That is, the reason it works for me. Two weeks down and a little more than two weeks to go. I’m trudging along, hoping to burn up the keys with my brilliance. But in truth most days are slow and grueling as I try to crank out those 1667 words.
* But during NaNo there are no excuses.
* I sit down everyday and write.
* Rules? What rules?
* Editing is a big No No.
* I have lots of buddies struggling right along with me.
* Being creative and thinking outside the box comes easier for me since I can ignore my internal editor or critic.
To sum it all up. The entire process is fun again. I have that magical feeling I experienced the very first time I sat down and started writing my first manuscript. The time before I learned about all the rules and how difficult the publishing part of the journey would be.
Now to hang on to this after Nano is finished. If I can get those words on the page during this month and still keep up with the rest of what life throws at me, there is no reason to believe I can’t.
Here's to the finish line, 50,000 words and a new writing routine!